Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kate Arding: A Cheese Wiz

This week, Kate Arding, founder of the national consumer cheese magazine Culture, graced Ithaca with her presence. Kate lead a tasting of five of her favorite cheeses and talked about some of her favorite farmstead operations. Kate has worked for both Neal's Yard Dairy in London and Cowgirl Creamery in Point Reyes, CA. Not a bad repertoire, not bad at all.
Clockwise from 12 o'clock:

-Stichelton [Collingthwaite Farm, Nottinghamshire, UK] - raw cow's milk
-Ewe Bloom** [Prairie Fruit Farm, Champaign, Illinois] - sheep's milk
-Cabot Clothbound Cheddar [collaboration with Jasper Hill Farm, Vermont] - cow's milk
-Montgomery's Cheddar** [Manor Farm, North Cadbury, Somerset, UK] - raw cow's milk
-Red Hawk [Cowgirl Creamery, Marin County, CA] - cow's milk

**My favorites of Kate's favorites
Steve Bridges of Manor Farm taking samples of his Unpasteurized Farmhouse Cheddar, to check if the cheese is ripe and aged to its full potential


  1. i'm a little upset that you didnt call me right after this and tell me what to buy next time in the bev hills cheese store....but its ok i forgive you this time. but really, tell me what to buy!

  2. you are "anonymous", so that would be hard...

    but whoever you are (my best guess would be alex) when i get home ill be ur cheese consultant
